- Microdochium matters
Microdochium matters
Microdochium remains the most frequent and potentially damaging disease of UK turf. Although the risk factors are well understood and Integrated Turf Management (ITM) practices can be effective in limiting the effects of outbreaks, almost inevitably the pressure is going to build up and attacks break out.
As we adapt cultural control techniques to tackle dollar spot and anthracnose, the conditions can become more favourable for microdochium, along with climate changes that can see diseases flare up at almost any time of the year.
New research in the UK and Ireland has revealed how summer strategies to target increasing challenges of turf diseases is having a hugely beneficial effect in reducing early incidence of microdochium through autumn pressure points, which in turf is reducing the impacts in winter. Find out how to aim for clean greens through the summer that will have season‑long benefits. See where that can fit into ITM strategies to last the whole season.
Learning outcomes:
- Manage microdochium more effectively
- Create a year‑long strategy for disease control
- Implications of ITM practices on other turf diseases
- New research results from UK and Ireland
Presented by:
Sean Loakes
Technical Manager UK & Ireland Syngenta