
GreenTek will be displaying its range of innovative turf care attachments to fit greens triple mowers, compact tractors, and utility vehicles. This equipment is designed to provide unique solutions for the toughest greenkeeping challenges.
Greensmower attachments include the Thatch-Away Supa-System of interchangeable turf maintenance cassettes, plus the Dynamics range including the Dyna-Seeder and Dyna-Corer units. Also, the new Triple Core Pushers for quickly clearing away aeration cores.

GreenTek Tractor mounted equipment includes a wide range of aerators and brushes. On display will be the revolutionary Flicker-Brush for dispersing wormcasts without smearing.

Another revolutionary product on display will be the Mega-Mix fertiliser mixing station. This enables rapid thorough mixing of soluble fertilisers, preventing blocked nozzles, and saving vast amounts of time and money. Courses that do a lot of fairway spraying have found it an invaluable game-changer.


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